Executive Summary

Service Provider Digital Strategies Global Benchmark & Analysis

The COVID-19 pandemic has underlined the importance of digital strategies and services for service providers around the globe, with revenues for a large part of the CSP market currently flat, or declining due to the impact of the past year.

The Omdia Service Provider Digital Strategies Global Benchmark & Analysis assesses and compares the digital strategies of 10 major service provider groups around the world based on a new benchmark. 

This executive summary is crucial in helping service providers navigate their own digital strategy.

The full report is one of the many surveys, market forecasts, reports, and market data insights that make up the Service Provider Strategies Intelligence Service, part of the Service Providers & Markets service area from Omdia.

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The COVID-19 crisis has brought fundamental change to people’s daily lives as well as to the way companies organize their business operations and, as a result, the consumer broadband market has not been overly negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This executive summary is crucial in helping service providers, equipment vendors and governments navigate the key impacts of COVID-19 and developing post-pandemic consumer broadband strategies

The full report is one of the many surveys, market forecasts, reports, and market data insights that make up the Service Provider Strategies Intelligence Service, part of the Service Providers & Markets service area from Omdia.

Simply enter your details on the right and click ACCESS NOW.

Impacts of COVID-19 and Developing Post-Pandemic Consumer Broadband Strategies


Omdia unifies and harnesses the depth and breadth of expertise from Informa Tech’s legacy research brands: Ovum, IHS Markit Technology, Tractica and Heavy Reading. We bring you unparalleled, world-class research and consultancy to navigate the now and create the future 

Physical Event: Aug 31 - Sep 2, 2021. Denver.

Virtual Event: Aug 30 - Sep 3, 2021. Online.