Become a prestigious partner of Africa Tech Festival or one of its anchor events in 2021. 

Opportunities include:

- Keynote Speaking Slot
- Conference Stream Panel Slot

-Exhibitor Booth
- Branding opportunities throughout the event
- Access to VIP Service
- Event passes
- Targeted HTMLs


Africa's most influential tech event returns as an online experience for 2021.

Fill in your details alongside to view the new interactive virtual sponsorship & exhibition brochure and discover how you can elevate your brand to thousands of senior change makers from across the continent. 

Get ready for the inaugural of Tech Impact Awards, where innovation meets impact! 

The new Tech Impact Awards recognize those using tech to drive positive change. Celebrating achievements and tech's societal benefits, these awards, from the organisers of London Tech Week, highlight tech's role in improving lives across the UK. 

Fill out the below form to download our brochure.

It's time to celebrate the positive impact of the UK tech sector!

Download Sponsorship Brochure 

© Tech Impact Awards brand and logos owned by Informa Telecoms & Media Ltd, trading as Informa Tech & London & Partners Ltd, registered in England & Wales with number 8860726, registered office and head office 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG, UK. 2024
© Website content, Informa Telecoms & Media Ltd., trading as Informa Tech, 2024


4th December 2024

The Brewery London